- Creative mentality is the cause of Zhang Ailing’s novels’ “sombre” meaning. 创作心态是张爱玲小说“苍凉”意味形成的原因。
- Objective To seek the plentifulness of Zhang Ailing s novels artistic form commanded by the ideological content. 目的:探寻张爱玲小说思想性统率下的艺术形式的丰富性。
- Zhang Ailing' s novels 张爱玲小说
- According to the reason of the history and her own, when Zhang Ailing wrote her screenplay, she can't wrote her novel and essay at the same time. 因为时代和个人的原因,张爱玲在写作她的电影剧本时未能同时兼顾小说和散文创作。
- In this novel, Zhang Ailing manages to picture in a unique manner the "hunger" and "falsility" in life whereas some of its plots have been regretfully stained by some falsehood. 张爱玲在这部小说中以她的独特眼光描写了生活中的"饥饿"现象和"虚假性",而这部作品的部分情节构成又令人遗憾地陷入了虚假性。
- Zhang Ailing"s apparel complex has rich connotations of her clothes identity, and passed through the emotions, on the cognitive approach life. 张爱玲的服饰情结有着丰富的内涵,她用服饰表现自我,穿出的是情绪,是对生活的认知态度。
- The image of bisexual body is indispensable to Zhang Ailing's writings. 张爱玲的写作离不开两性躯体形象。
- The second part of my thesis, is a analysis of Zhang Ailing's screenplay. 本文的第二部分,是对张爱玲电影剧本本身做出的分析。
- Many critics saw flashes of E.H. in the young M.'s novel. 许多评论家称在年轻的M.;的小说中有海明威的影子。
- Have to from here outs, Zhang Ailing"s works are biography of ordinary small potato, and the description of Shanghai is a true record of Chinese city" s development, and a vivid mirror image of city. 循着这个角度,本文认为张爱玲的文学世界正是为她那个时代的世俗男女所做的传记,对这些男女所生活的上海(都市的代表)的描绘也是中国城市发展的一段真实记录,一段栩栩如生的都市镜像。
- A multi-faceted film based on Raymond Jean&&9;s novel "La Lectrice". 康斯坦斯睡在床上大声朗诵小说给爱人听。
- Zhang ailing ever said a very incisive word: There are two roses in every man's heart: one is red rose and the other is a white rose. 张爱玲曾说里一句非常精辟的话:每个男人的心里都有两朵玫瑰一朵红玫瑰,一朵白玫瑰。
- The first part of my thesis, is a review of Zhang Ailing's screenplay composition history. 本文的第一部分,是对张爱玲电影剧本的创作历史做一个回顾。
- Shanghai school urban fiction as popular and avant-garde texts: from Zhang Ziping to Zhang Ailing. 林春美。海派都市小说作为流行与先锋的读本:从张资平到张爱玲。
- The British image in Lao She s novels has op... 老舍小说中的英国形象为读者打开了一扇审视世界的窗户。
- Zhang Ailing costumes of their complex family background memory, as well as her spiritual wanderer words and carriers. 张爱玲的服饰情结是对其家族背景的记忆,也是她精神漂泊的话语和载体。
- Family background and life history of Zhang Ailing decision costumes complex formation. 家族的背景和人生历程决定了张爱玲服饰情结的形成。
- I put the translation of Upton Sinclair' s novel into her hands since 19d finished it already. 我就把《屠
- Iy remember Zhang Ailing (a writer of china) once said,“there is no perfect love in the world. 我比较能理解,正如张爱玲说:“没有哪里一段感情不是千疮百孔!”
- Zhao Ben fu?s novel Earth, the Mother is in a narrative way from the folk discourse. 赵本夫是采用民间话语的叙事方式来写作长篇系列小说《地母》的。